Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chicken, Quinoa, & Veggie Soup

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm sick today, so I made a bunch of chicken soup to try to get better ASAP, especially since my friend and I are supposed to teach a polka dance lesson for the NAU Swing Club in two days.

I also bought a ridiculous amount of citrus, just in case the soup wasn't enough, haha.

Also- I've been researching food photography on Pinterest this week, so hopefully this photo is the beginning of a series of more professional food photographs!


(Creates 4 Servings)

7 Cups Chicken Broth
8 Cherry Tomatoes, chopped in half
1/3 Large Yellow Onion, diced
5 Cloves of Garlic, minced
2 Big Handfuls of Green Beans, chopped into bite-sized pieces
2 Chicken Breasts, chopped bite-sized
1/2 Orange Bell Pepper, diced
2 Stalks of Celery, diced
2 Cups Quinoa
1 Small Head of Broccoli, chopped bite-sized
1 Cup of Fresh Parsley, torn bite-sized (including stems, if you'd like)


Chop up the tomatoes, onion, garlic, green beans, chicken, bell pepper, broccoli, and parsley. Put everything in a large pot, along with 2 cups of quinoa.

Pour in the chicken broth, and bring it all to a boil.

Boil it all for about 20 minutes, stirring it occasionally. (While you're waiting for it to finish, you could take cool steam photos like I did ;) )

Once the quinoa looks cooked, serve the soup with sprinkles of basil, thyme, basil, and salt on top.

Stay healthy!

p.s. If you're wondering how many citrus fruits I bought to get healthy, here's your answer:

I also ordered some ACF Fast Relief to help me out, I'd highly recommend it! It's strong stuff; it tends to get me better pretty quick.

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