Friday, July 12, 2013

Noodles with Extra Veggies and Eggs!

So this creation was yet another result of finding random leftovers in the fridge. This time, I found shredded carrots, shredded beets, boiled beets, and hard boiled eggs. Anytime I find random vegetables in my possession, I put them in my eggs in the morning and/or in my pasta in the evening, and it has always turned out great! So I obviously found these leftovers in the evening, since I put them into my pasta. (Warning: Beets and carrots are not recommended to have on this diet until the later stages. But you could easily make this without the beets and carrots.)


(Creates 1 Serving)

3/4 Cup Brown Rice Noodles
1/2 Cup Plain Goat or Cow Yogurt
1/4 Cup Diced Broccoli pieces
1/3 of a Yellow Onion, diced
1/2 of a Beet, already chopped and boiled (optional)
1 Hard Boiled Egg, chopped
1/2 a Tomato, chopped
1/4 Cup Shredded Carrots and Beets (optional)
1 Garlic Clove, minced
Fresh Basil Leaves


(optional) Boil the beets and the egg, if you did not happen to find them already prepared in your fridge like I did. (how to make hard boiled eggs and how long to boil beets) This step may take a while. The site for the beets recommends about 45 minutes. This is why I don't eat beets very often. (And, you know, also because they're not really allowed on the diet.)

Boil the noodles, onions, and broccoli in water for as long as the package of noodles recommends. (Mine usually take 8 minutes or so.)

While those boil, wash the basil leaves, chop the tomato, mince the garlic, and (optional) shred a carrot and a piece of a beet. Then you should have all of the ingredients in the photo below ready:

When the noodles and eggs are both ready, strain the noodles, and put them back in their pot. Chop the hard boiled egg. Add all of the ingredients you cooked and/or chopped into the pot you made the noodles in.

Stir in the yogurt until it is mixed with everything. Once the yogurt feels warm, pour the pasta mixture onto a plate. The beets (if you used beets) will make the yogurt turn pink, which looks pretty entertaining.

Now you should have this on your plate. It's time to overload it with spices.

I added rosemary, cinnamon, turmeric, oregano, and salt. I may have also added a tiny bit of cayenne pepper, just for fun. 

Now you're ready to eat!

Side note: I thought my plate looked pretty artistic when I finished eating... :)

Cheater Additions: You could add a bit of goat cheese if you want. I did... :)

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