Friday, July 12, 2013

Noodles in Creamy Avocado Sauce

This is one I like to make a lot whenever I have avocados handy. It's one of my top favorite pasta recipes for this diet.


(Creates 1 Serving)

3/4 Cup Brown Rice Noodles
1/2 Cup Plain Cow or Goat Yogurt
1 Avocado, squished
1/3 of a Yellow Onion, chopped
1 Clove of Garlic, minced
1 Green Onion, chopped
1 Tomato, chopped
Fresh Basil Leaves
Cayenne Pepper


Boil the noodles for as long as the package recommends. Chop the yellow onion and green onion and add them to the boiling noodles.

While those boil, squish the interior of an avocado with a fork, wash the basil, and chop the tomato and garlic.

When the noodles are finished, strain them and put them back into their pot. Add the things you've chopped and washed into the pot. (If you want your final presentation to look like mine above, keep the tomatoes separate and place them along the sides of your pasta later.)

Pour in the yogurt and mix it with everything in the pot over a low heat. When the yogurt is warm, (this should only take about a minute), pour the contents of the pot into a bowl or plate. Spice it with rosemary, turmeric, oregano, cayenne pepper, and salt. Now it should look like this:

Now you can eat it! Huzzah!

Cheater additions: I suppose you could add some goat cheese if you want to. But it's already creamy because of the yogurt, so, come on... you don't really want to cheat, do you? ;)

Speaking of cheating, you may have noticed there's no turmeric in the main photo. I did that on purpose so you could see how the yogurt sauce looked green because of the avocado.

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