Friday, July 26, 2013

How to Satisfy a Chocolate Craving!

Unfortunately, sugar-free chocolate bars usually contain bad sugar substitutes and other ingredients that are not good for you... But fear not! I have discovered some chocolate that has no sugar in it whatsoever! In fact, unsweetened chocolate is the only ingredient. Huzzah!

So you may get all excited like I did and bite into it expecting it to taste amazing, but instead you'll taste a very bitter, unsweetened cacao flavor... But there are ways to remedy this.

As I have said before, I typically put raw unsweetened cacao nibs, xylitol (a safe sugar substitute - it's good for your teeth too!), and cinnamon in my plain yogurt to satisfy my chocolate cravings. (This is why those ingredients are also featured in the photo, as another option.) But just now I discovered something that tastes even better!

(Note: Don't overdo it with this chocolate; although it is completely sugar free, too much chocolate is still bad for your liver, especially when its a processed chocolate bar... All good things in moderation. Yet apparently, the raw, unsweetened cacao nibs are a lot easier on your liver. Therefore, I'd advise you to alternate between the chocolate bar and the cacao nibs on different chocolate craving days so that you don't overdo it. Or just use cacao nibs every time, if you'd like to play it safe.)


(Creates 1 Serving (Unless you have a severely intense craving, then this is probably only half a serving.))

1 Handful of Raw, Unsweetened Cacao Nibs - OR - 1 square of a Ghirardelli 100% Cacao Unsweetened Chocolate Bar (can be found in the baking aisle of Whole Foods, and most likely in other health food grocery stores as well) 
1/2 Teaspoon worth of Xylitol
1 Spoonful of Plain Cow Yogurt


Snap a square of chocolate off of the chocolate bar, as if it was a regular, delicious, sugary chocolate bar. Break it into 2 or 3 pieces, (to make it last), and put one in your mouth. (Or, drop a pinch of cacao nibs into your mouth.)

As you can see in the photo, I am the proud owner of a xylitol shaker, so I pretty much just shake some xylitol directly into my mouth. It probably ends up being about 1/8 of a teaspoon or so for each bite.

Then get a very small spoonful (like only 1/3 of a regular spoon) of plain yogurt and put that in your mouth as well.

Chew, and enter a magical fantasy land where you start to believe that you are eating chocolate like a normal person.

Swallow and repeat with the other pieces of the square, or the rest of your handful of cacao nibs.

You're welcome :)

Bonus! Here is another photo of my chocolate craving satisfaction kit, since the label on the chocolate bar was hard to read in the other photo.

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