Thursday, July 4, 2013

Yogurt & Nuts

For a quick breakfast, lunch, or snack :) Plain yogurt is supposed to be really good for you on this cleanse. Before I started the diet, I used to add berries, apples, bananas, or other kinds of fruit to my yogurt rather than using tomatoes. But now that I'm avoiding sugar, I tried it with tomatoes and it still tastes good!


(Creates 1 Serving)

1 Cup Plain Cow or Goat Yogurt
2 Handfulls Salted Almonds
1 Handfull Walnuts or Pecans
1 Handfull Sunflower Seeds and/or Pumpkin Seeds
2 Handfulls Cherry Tomatoes, each chopped in half (or chop up 1 medium-sized Tomato)
2 Tablespoons Raw Unsweetened Cacao Nibs
1 Tablespoon Unsweetened Shredded Coconut


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, sprinkle the coconut on top, and stuff it in your face.

Cheater additions: You can add a few blueberries or raspberries instead of using tomatoes if you want, since berries aren't very sugary.

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