Thursday, September 18, 2014

Quinoa with Chicken and Red Chard pieces

Hello! I know it's been a while, but I've been either making things that I've already posted, or making things that cheated the diet too much to be featured on here, but here's something new I threw together that I wanted to share!

This recipe has been brought to you by my unwillingness to wash more than one pot after making dinner. ;)


(Creates 1 Serving)

1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Quinoa
1 Chicken Breast, diced
2-3 Large Red Chard stalks, diced
1/5 Yellow Onion, diced
1 Garlic Clove, minced
Cayenne Pepper
Salted Butter


Rinse the quinoa and put in in a pot with 1 cup of water. As you wait for that to boil, chop up chicken, chard, onions, and garlic and stir them in as you finish.

Let it all simmer in the pot with a lid, on a medium heat, for about 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Add in your spices, and add butter if desired.

Enjoy a healthy, balanced meal with only one pot to clean!

(I made this same thing with brown rice instead of quinoa yesterday, and since it all had longer to cook, the chard and chicken broke down into smaller pieces which actually worked really well, in my opinion. Feel free to try it too, if you have an hour to spare!)

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